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Arab Gulf Oil Company technical meeting to be held for 2021

The 2021 technical meeting of Arabian Gulf Oil Company (Agoco) was held on Tuesday morning, 16 November 2021, in the main meeting room of The Arabian Gulf Oil Company, in the presence of Mr. Salah Al Qtarani, Chairman of the Management Committee and members of the Management Committee, Mr. Faraj Al-Machai, member of the Management Committee for Operations, Maintenance and Refineries, Mr. AbdulMutallab Saleh Adam, member of the Management Committee for Engineering, Construction, Planning and Technical Affairs, and Control of Kanfoodeh, Mr. Faraj Ahmed Hatibba, member of the Management Committee for Human Resources, Supply and Services, and Directors of Departments and Services, departments and services. Where the company's activities were presented during the period and future plans and targets for the coming year, as well as presented the most important projects, studies and budgets required and the most important difficulties and problems and obstacles facing the company and find ways to overcome them.