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The Management Committee conducts a reconnaissance tour of the Hareqa port and the Tobruk refinery.

As part of the follow-up of the management committee and its departments for all work and to identify the problems of employees at the work sites within the port and refinery has
Mr. Salah Al-Qtarani, Chairman of the Management Committee, visited the port of Al-Ganra and the Tobruk refinery on Thursday morning, 18 November 2021, accompanied by Mr. Faraj Al-Machai, member of the Management Committee for Operations, Maintenance and Refineries, and Mr. AbdulMutallab Saleh Adam, member of the Management Committee for Engineering, Construction, Planning and Technical Affairs, and Monitoring Of Kanfooda, Mr. Faraj Hateba, member of the Management Committee for Human Resources, Supply, Services and Transport, department managers, field observers and specialists of the company, is accompanied by Mr. Rajab Sahnoun, Superintendent of The Fire Port and Tobruk Refinery, accompanied by coordinators, heads of departments at the marina and refinery and the president of the workers' union at the site.

The management committee heard explanations about the shipments and exports as well as the maintenance taking place at the port.