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IT management meets with the company's departments and coordinators on digital transformation and system development.

On Monday morning, 2021/11/22, the IT Department met in the main meeting room with departmental managers and coordinators on the follow-up to digital transformation and mechanization, and the development of the company's systems.
Where Mr. Walid Bin Seriti, Director of Information Technology Department, opened the meeting, welcoming the directors of the departments of the company and their intentions to the importance of this meeting to solve all obstacles that hinder the administrations to finish their transactions and pointed out that Arabian Gulf Oil Company is one of the first companies digitally transformed, and the introduction of mechanization,And that reaching integration and achieving the goals can only be achieved by application and the work of the digital system and mr. Director of the Department of Information Technology and the director of the Department of Information Technology received observations from the departments to the departments about the addition of screens, especially internal review and what measures are taken regarding them, and the specialists of the Department of Information Technology said that follow-up observations and take the necessary measures in particular the stage of procedure to develop some business in line with the legislation and powers granted by law, also discuss the overlap and delay of procedures between departments,Failure to speed up the implementation of the measures, causing delays in the closing of transactions.

The development vision of the control system and good performance of the company's system and the completion of the mechanization of the entire course were also presented.