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The management committee holds a meeting to follow up on the company's work.

The management committee held a meeting on Sunday morning, 2021/12/19 to follow up the work of the company in the meeting room in the fourth floor, in the presence of Engineer Salah Al-Qtarani, Chairman of the Management Committee, Mr. Abubakar Bin Amer, member of the Management Committee for Exploration, Production and Information, Mr. Faraj Ahba, member of the Management Committee for Human Resources, Supply, Services and Transport, Mr. AbdulMutallab Saleh Adam, member of the Management Committee for Engineering, Construction, Planning and Technical Affairs, and Mr. Ahmed Al Haddad, Coordinator of the Secretariat of the Committee and directors of the competent departments.During the meeting, the activities of departments in various fields and locations, problems and difficulties they face in carrying out their work and production requirements were discussed and production rates were raised and maintained.Security breaches in the company's fields and websites, abuses and ways to reduce them were also discussed during the meeting.