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Meeting of Arabian Gulf Oil Company and Schlumberger.

Mr. Salah Al Qtarani, Chairman of the Management Committee of Arabian Gulf Oil Company, met on Tuesday morning, 28 December 2021, in the presence of Mr. Abubakar Bin Amer, member of the Management Committee for Exploration, Production and Drilling, and Mr. Saleh Al Senussi, Director of Geophysics Department with Messrs. Siraj Bousnaina, Director of The Benghazi Schlumberger Office, Mr. Manshawi Ahmed, Director of Integrated Projects, Mr. Qais Bonkhela, Director of Business Transactions, Schlumberger Benghazi, and Mr. Anas Al-Siwi, Director of Studies and Computer Software at Schlumberger. During the meeting,Discuss schlumberger's technical work and workshops in various fields. The recent workshop on seismic data processing and the important role of the Seismic Data Analysis and Processing Center at AIC were also highlighted. GPC's seismic data processing center is one of the largest and most important centers in Libya, which is managed with national elements and competencies by GPC using advanced and modern technologies in the seismic field, The work and technologies were also presented and discussed by Schlumberger Oil Services in the oil fields and its readiness to expand these works in the fields under the process of development and exploration, and workshops specialized in the use of modern technologies, software and integrated projects to maintain and increase production capacity.