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Chairman of the Management Committee visits the Training Center of the Sareer Oil Field

As part of the schedule of the visit to the management committee for the oil bed field, Mr. Salah Al-Qtarani, Chairman of the Management Committee, on Thursday evening, 2022/03/24, accompanied by Mr. Faraj Al-Meshay, member of the Management Committee for Operations, Maintenance and Refineries, Mr. Bashir Sassi, Observer of the Bed Field, Supervisor of the Training Unit Mohammed Sabra and departmental managers visited the field training center where they were briefed on the training rooms, laboratories and audio-visual effects of the training process.Mr. Chairman of the Management Committee pointed out that training is a nerve and one of the most important components of the work and that internal and external training with the management committee is one of the basics and tasks of the management committee, but the corona pandemic and financial conditions and delayed budgets prevented them from expanding the training process and implementing all short and long programs for the employees of the company.

The Chairman and members of the Management Committee listened to extensive explanations about the training, equipment and equipment on which users are trained and developed within carefully prepared and precise programs in particular.
The Chairman of the Management Committee praised the efforts of all members of the field training center to proceed with the training process and develop field users in all programs.