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Contract Area 91 MANCOM meeting


On Wendsday 7th of March 2018, ManCom meeting was held and chaired by Mr. Amari Mohamed Al Amari, MANCOM Chairman of CA91. The meeting attended by Mr. Abdul Fattah Shaqan, MANCOM Member, Mr. Arwin Kroll, Senior Vice President for Middle East and Africa Region, and MANCOM Member, Mr. Peter Sieteniger, OMV - Libya General Manager and MANCOM member, Mr. Fahmi Shoaib, CA91 Joint Project Team Director and his deputy Mr. Hermann Scsopke, also Mr. Gomaa Sheeta Deputy General Manager of OMV in Libya, Mr Najib Zagaar EPSA director as well as through Video Conference with OMV branch in Abu Dhabi, Mr. Radwan Milin, Finance Manager of OMV Libya and Ms. Veronica Peterson, Legal and Contracts Manager.

The meeting was also attended by AGOCO’s Management Committee Members Mr. Sami Al-Abbar and Mr. Fadlalla Ehtita, General Managers and some of the relevant department Managers.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Amari Mohamed Al Amari, ManCom Chairman. In a speech of Mr. Mohamed BenShtwan, Chairman of Operator Management Committee of CA91, welcomed OMV's high-level delegation first visit to Benghazi, also welcomed Mr. Al-Amari ManCom Chairman and ManCom members and all attendees.

Mr. Benshatwan also thanked NOC for its continuous support for AGOCO, and to CA91 ManCom for their understanding and approval of AGOCO’s strategy which announced May last year aiming to production increase and environmental protection as soon as possible.

Mr. BenShatwan said that this meeting is the first meeting of MANCOM to be held in Benghazi since 2011 and added that Although Benghazi - AGOCO’s headquarter - suffered much of the war on terrorism but this did not discourage AGOCO from carrying out its duties in maintaing production and the facilities in all its fields and sites.

Mr Benshatwan, commend the important role played by all AGOCO’s employees in all fields, sites and in Benghazi headquarters in achieving what was reached, while most of the foreign international companies declined to come to Benghazi and to fields .

Mr. BenShatwan reminded that AGOCO has made great efforts in persuading foreign international companies to return and resume their activities. These efforts culminated in success as the world's largest companies reacted after assessing the security situation.

Also he said that The Libyan army had the greatest role in making this possible after librated Benghazi city also secured all fields and sites.

Then the Chairman of ManCom  asked the following managers and JPT director to present the activities of their department in CA91 

Mr. Reda Al-Kaza, Director of Health, Safety and Environment Department.

Mr. Issa Al-Ojali, Reservoir Engineering department Manager.

Mr. Hassan Alabbar, Production Engineering Department Manager.

Mr. Yousef Emerimi, Maintenance Department Manager.

Mr. Hermann Scsopke, CA 91 Joint Project Team Deputy Director gave a brief presentation of JPT activities, indicating the phases of the projects identified by AGOCO as part of its strategy to increase production, protect the environment and eliminate environmental impacts.

Later a meeting was held between Chairman and members of MANCOM of both parties in the presence of Mr. Mohamed BenShatwan, Chairman of Operator Management Committee, Mr. Fahmi Shoaib JPT Director and his deputy, where the work plan for the projects of CA 91 were reviwed, and budget of 2018 was approved in addition to the approval of the technical specifications and scope of work of power project which will provide 15 megawatts for the area and submitting this project to the CA91 Dedicated Tender Committee to be tendred, also in this meeting a preview of the preparation of technical specification and scope of work for the associated water treatment project to protect the environment in Nafoora field, which will have positive effects on the neighboring oases ,

The meeting ended by approving and signing several agreements between National Oil Corporation and OMV, in forefront of these agrrements Technical Services Agreement TSA and the Secondement agreement.

After a working lunch, OMV delegation and NOC visitors went to Benina airport to leave Benghazi.

AGOCO would like to express its gratitude and appreciation to Libyan Arab Armed Forces General Command , the Benghazi Municipality, all the security services agents and Benina Airport for thier cooperation and facilitatation of the reception and departure of the delegations, which showed the true city of Benghazi.