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Stop leakage, repair the oil tanker line from the Sreir field to the port of Al-Hrega and resume production processes

Despite the scarcity of budgets and the absence of most maintenance work due to the lack of spare parts and the provision of funds for the implementation of periodic maintenance normally.
And when it comes to losing libyans' strength because of those reasons
Efforts are joining hands at all levels, starting with Mr. Mustafa Madeallah, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Oil Corporation, to the last worker of the company to reduce losses to the only supplier of this country.

Mr. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National  Oil Corportion and around the clock and after the formation of the maintenance operations room and follow-up to each small and large and urged him to continue to speed up the completion of this task by the maintenance department and transport departments and all the support departments of the company culminates today work to stop the leakage and return production in record time and at the lowest costs and with pure national hands achieve achievement.