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Arabian Gulf Oil Company restores well to production after 11-year closure

Thanks to God and the dedication of the engineers and technicians of the Production Engineering Department, on 16/05/2022, a hunt was carried out on the well (G269H) in the contracting area (NA-91) in the Nafora field, where equipment was hunted and extracted from inside the well in a short period of time not more than a week, today engineers and technicians of the Production Engineering Department have finished working on the well mentioned after the preparation and implementation of an integrated maintenance program with extreme precision and professionalism, through which the missing equipment was extracted from Inside the well and conducting clean-up, revitalization and rehabilitation of the well with careful operations resulting in excellent results, the well was closed eleven years ago due to the presence of solid deposits inside the well, which was due to the loss of equipment during previous maintenance attempts, as well as the lack of the required budget during the past period prevented the recurrence of maintenance and led to the temporary abandonment of the well.

The last production test of the well was in 2012, and the results of the test by industrial lifting gas 661 barrels of oil per day at a water rate of 3%, and today and after the completion of the maintenance process the productivity of the well was tested normally (natural production) the results were excellent and the water ratio is zero and productivity exceeds the previous rates