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Arabian Gulf Oil Company enters the new well (G-317) on the production line of the Fountain field.

Within the framework of the Arabian Gulf Oil Company's management efforts to increase production rates, the Engineering and Construction Coordinator and the Maintenance Coordinator at the Fountain Oil Field after great and continuous efforts completed all the mechanical connection work of the well (G-317) linked to Terminal 5 and handed it over to the Operations Coordinator, where the well was operated and entered the production line since its receipt.

Mr. Abdullah Al-Touati, Construction Coordinator at the Fountain Field, said that the well (G-318) included in the same contract has also been completed except for some partial works for the presence of the excavator Work Over, and all the remaining works will be completed as soon as the excavator leaves within the next few days, and then the well will enter the production line to catch up with the rest of the wells produced