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Repair of a leak in the gas discharge line at the main pumping station in the Hamada field.

On 03/11/2022, a leak occurred in the gas drain line located at the GOSP NC-8 main pumping station in the Hamada field due to corrosion of the line
This line is for the discharge of gas from crude oil tanks No. D2101 & D2102
Where the safety and firefighting unit in the field was informed and all safety measures were taken to work to fix this leak by isolating the area by the safety unit and removing all users
A meeting was also held with the field controller and the departments concerned with maintenance, the piping unit, precision machinery and technical affairs with the operation and control unit of the operations coordinator to set the necessary maintenance priorities after the field and the station were stopped from production, as the process took several days, and then work was done to pump water in this line after all valves were closed in order to remove the gas from the line, as it took a long time to clean it.
After that, the pipe unit made a new line with a length of 10 meters to replace the damaged part of the corrosion, and after making sure that the line was free of gases through detection and safety follow-up work for a period of days, orders were given to start cutting the damaged part with continuous follow-up with safety after ensuring full safety conditions with personal protective equipment and a fire crew for maintenance personnel.
Where the new line was brought and installed with the help of the transport department by providing the necessary machines to work and after making sure that the gases were free again, permission was given for installation and welding
On 12/11/2022, all measures were taken to restore production after all valves were reopened and the station was returned to work and it was ensured that there was no new gas leakage.